Tuesday, 3 February 2015

MUSIC MAGAZINE Masthead & Font Styles

Regarding my music magazines Masthead, I couldn't think of a name that fitted in with my rock/pop genre so I decided to research into the greatest one word album covers of all time, to get a rough idea or inspiration into what to call my music magazine. To narrow down the results further I only looked at 50 greatest one word hits.

Clicking on the first link that came up I went on to the Billboard website, which brought me to five pages of the 50 greatest one word titled songs. After scrolling through these five pages several times and writing down which ones I like best I eventually came down to two names. One being 'Radioactive' and the other being 'Kryptonite', closely considering that I had already thought up a slogan, 'ROCK THAT POPS', playing on the fact that my magazine is a rock/pop magazine.

I came to the conclusion then that the title Radioactive would suit my magazine more, as it has nicer imagery than kryptonite as well as looking better on the page and being of a slight reference to music as many artists use the word Radioactive throughout their songs.

At first I wanted my Masthead to be big and bold so that it would really stand out to the reader ahead of others so I started looking into different font styles in conjunction to this, but after experimenting with these fonts I eventually realized that less is infact more in my magazines case, and that having a harsh bold title would heavily contradict with my softer image. However to ensure the title would still stand out, I have kept it in all Capital font.

From this I went on and mainly got inspiration for my Masthead by looking at different magazines, not just music magazines. As I want my magazine to have a more classy font than older, more bubble like writing styles I looked into fashion magazines like ELLE, VOUGE and BAZAAR.

I went through all the fonts on Photoshop and eventually found one very similar to these classy fashion magazines called Elephant Regular, then by stretching it i could make it more like the ones previously shown.

The final result being a classy, stand-offish font, highlighting the one word masthead in order to stand out to the reader, and draw in the preferred target audience.

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